Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Relative frequency and position of positive and negative emotions over the last 365 days of my life.

This piece is about ten feet long and three feet wide on paper
using a pencil and a ruler to create a literal landscape, a visual
representation of my emotional state between April 10, 2010
and April 11, 2011. It is a simple scale of my happiness from
-15 to 0 to +15 on the left and plotted dots of the days and
how I looked at them at the time from the journals I kept for
that amount of time. I connected all of the dots within 18 inches
of each other (the size of my ruler) because every moment and
emotion is relative to the moments before and after. The shape
of my soul is different after the last year much like the physical
growth of a tree ring dependent on precipitation and temperature.
This was an important piece to me and a way of connecting to the
processes of nature because I had to admit that for a long time I
was unhappy and that is ok because it was not wasted, I grew from
my experiences and I am more complex and shaped as a human
being than I was before. This is focused on the idea of collective
reality; being shaped by more than one event, like a diamond being
cut at different angles to become a unique, transparent, reflective
thing of beauty.